Agree with example sentences

Lyngdoh Madam: “I agree with you that the situation will change if people show more care and alertness to reject corrupt and bad politicians and elect the right ones.Thus, in the example described above, you may sign the letter with the thought that you were accepting the request, not because you agree with other students, but because you have been requested to do so by a significant member.The Assembly had many members who did not agree with the Congress.Since one or few leaders exercise paramount power in the party, those who disagree with the leadership find it difficult to continue in the party.Many researchers do not agree with this definition as they feel that the stress response is not nearly as general and nonspecific as Selye suggests.The total of debit column of trial balance should agree with the total of credit column in the trial balance because the accounts are based on double entry system.You may disagree with a policy of government or activities of an association.The laws simply lay down that the umpire shall agree with both captains on the boundaries of the playing area .It is a tendency of the subject to agree with items/questions irrespective of their contents.Are there some other arguments against democracy that you can think of? Which of these arguments applies mainly to democracy? Which of these can apply to misuse of any form of government? Which of these do you agree with? Clearly, democracy is not a magical solution for all the problems.Now continue the exercise : how important are these opinions to you? The topics of some of these opinions may be only moderately important to you; they are simply ways of thinking, and it does not matter much to you that others agree or disagree with your views.” Shaheen did not agree with them: “Let us be very clear.

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